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My goal as a journalist is simple: to document the world and maybe in the process, make it a little better.

I’ve been called all sorts of things because of my articles; most accuse me of being agitator. In response, I would hope that it’s true. If my articles get under your skin, I’ve done my job. I hope that after reading something I write, the reader is moved to become part of the story rather than just a spectator.

People ask why I typically tell the story from the point of view of the “bad guy.” Until receiving the question a couple of times I never gave it any thought. After thinking about it, I would have to point out that every major change in history started with people who were perceived as “bad guys.” One man’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist, and failing to present the minority view of the story isn’t journalism. If the practices that pass for journalism today were applied throughout history, our only knowledge of Robin Hood would be quotes from the Sheriff of Nottingham, Harriet Tubman would just be some woman who was smuggling stolen goods, and members of the French Resistance would just be bandits and criminals. So when people accuse me of showcasing the unpopular side, I just smile. 

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